Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, Monday. Can't trust that day.

Today I feel sort of blah. Maybe it is because I was woken up by my heater not heating lol. My cat snuggled under the covers with me and that did not help either. This was at three in the morning.
I am still conversing with the gentleman who wants to have sex with me. I am just missing something today. Can't put my finger on it. I feel unsexy lol.
I want sex. Hot passionate sex! Where is a good sexy man when you want them?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week Almost Gone

Since this is the first time I have evern blogged, I figure an apology is in order. 'I am sorry for any and all content that this blog and subsequent ones contain'
I have been conversing with a mature man these past couple of weeks and though we have not actually met, I am very intrigued by him. Curiosity is one of my weak points. Though it has not gotten me into too much trouble in the past. We have talked about many past and even what our time will be like. I am looking forward to experiencing all he has to offer and to give him what I can to please him. I am looking for a man to spoil me both physically and mentally. I want to converse intellectually and yet naughty too. Reach beneath the surface to fullfill our desires, wants and needs. I will try to update regularly what I go through and any thing I experience. Today is just a work day and it is almost the end of the week. We are still trying to figure out how and when we are going to get together. Wish me the best!